Home Resources


The AAPIC knows that the needs and challenges facing the AAPI community are diverse and is proud to connect you with resources from the Massachusetts government, federal government, community organizations, and more.


Massachusetts State Government

Resources and Info

Find resources and information that can help you from the Massachusetts State Government.

How the Massachusetts Legislature Works

Learn more about how the Massachusetts State Legislature works.

Asian Caucus

The Massachusetts Asian Caucus is composed of AAPI state legislators throughout the state. The House Asian Caucus is a bipartisan legislative caucus dedicated to bringing greater awareness to issues facing the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community in Massachusetts and increasing participation and representation within our state government.

Federal Government Resources and Info

Find resources and information that can help you from the Federal Government.

How to Advocate for Yourself

You deserve to have your voice heard at all levels of our government and society as a whole. Regardless of your race, gender, or documentation status, you are an important part of the Massachusetts community. Learning how to advocate for yourself can be intimidating for some people, but it is incredibly rewarding and not as difficult as you might imagine!

Anti-Hate Resources

Asian American and Pacific Islander communities have experienced discrimination since the first time AAPI immigrants arrived in the United States centuries ago. The Massachusetts AAPI Commission stands against all forms of hate, in all corners of our state, country, and world. Regretfully, anti-AAPI hate still occurs on a daily basis. Find resources on how to respond to incidents of hate here.

Election Resources

One of the easiest ways to advocate for yourself and your views in Massachusetts is by voting in elections. In most cities and towns in Massachusetts, there are elections every year.


Community Grants

Do you have an organization or project that supports the AAPI community and needs funding? In addition to the AAPI Commission’s Small Grants Fund [link], we have compiled a list of additional funding opportunities.

Community Organizations​

There are countless organizations serving and uplifting AAPI communities throughout Massachusetts. Find organizations near you or that focus on issues you care about.

Community Events Calendar

We think that there is nothing better than enjoying being in community! Find events near you and support the Massachusetts AAPI community.

Community Jobs Board

Find job, internship, and volunteer opportunities to impact the AAPI community throughout Massachusetts.