Gary Yu

Gary Yu


Gary Yu is a senior media personality and political activist. In 2016, he founded Boston International Media Consulting Inc. Four years later, he established Boston Asian Radio and TV, a station dedicated to the lives and interests of Asians. Gary Yu is a senior media personality. He also served as a producer and host of ATV, BNN TV, and Quincy Access Television (QATV), and a reporter for World Journal, World Journal Weekly, and other publications.

In addition, he contributed to the election campaigns of Boston Mayor Michele Wu and Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey. He is currently the President of New England Chinese American Alliance, Co-President of the
Massachusetts Chapter of United Chinese Americans, and President of the Boston Chapter of the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association. He also is Transition Team Member of State Auditor Diana
Dizoglio and Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden. In February 2023, He brought the community together to promote for unanimous approval Resolution in support of designating Lunar New Year as an official holiday in the City of Boston by the Boston City Council. In May 2023, He brought the community together to promote for the Governor of Massachusetts to sign the Proclamation designating May as AAPI Heritage Month in Massachusetts.

Ekta Srinivasa

Ekta Srinivasa


Ms. Ekta Srinivasa was born in Nepal and immigrated to the U.S. when she was ten. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and her Master of Science in Nursing from Curry College. She obtained her Nursing Ph.D. in Health Policy and Population Health at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Ms. Srinivasa is the Founder of Improving Healthcare Culture, Inc. This nonprofit organization is established to provide resources to healthcare workers and healthcare organizations seeking strategies to mitigate the effects of workplace violence. Ms. Srinivasa is thrilled to be selected to serve in the Asian American and Pacific Islanders Commission. She hopes to contribute to the Commission’s goals meaningfully.

Karen Chen

Karen Chen


A photo of Moana Bentin, a Samoan-American woman, smiling. She is wearing glasses, maroon lipstick, an orange shirt, and blue jacket.

Moana Bentin

Moana Bentin


Moana Bentin is Senior Associate Director of Identity-Based alumni communities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A proud Samoan tamaitai, she is an advocate for underserved and underrepresented communities. Her Cambridge home serves as a base for Pacific Island students studying in Greater Boston.

A descendant of the Seuamuli family in Fagamalo Savaii and Sa Aiono from Fasitoouta, Moana’s journey started from the village of Magiagi, through the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji, and eventually settled in Cambridge, MA.

Moana is currently serving as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC) and Moderator of the Executive Council of First Church in Cambridge. She is the mother of two Samoan-Irish-Americans and human to two cats; Tama and Toa.

Tuyet Tran

Tuyet Tran


Tuyet Tran, LICSW, a refugee from Vietnam, holds a master’s degree in social work from Boston College and an undergraduate degree in psychology from Emmanuel College. She brings 30 years of progressive leadership in the design and delivery of public health and social services, including serving as Director of Integrated Care at Community Healthlink for 18 years during which she was recognized by the Worcester Business Journal as a 40 Under 40 “rising star” in the Worcester community. For the past 5 years, Ms. Tran led the Community Partner Program at the Behavioral Health Partners of Metrowest (BHPMW) where she helped to design a multiregional integrated care coordination program as part of the MA Executive Office of Health and Human Service’s DSRIP Demonstration Project.

Ms. Tran has lived in Worcester since June of 2000. At that time, she and a small group of community members came together to advocate for social and health care access for members of the Southeast Asian community. Ms. Tran served as SEACMA Board Chair and Acting Director for the first few years of its founding and continued to support the organization as a board member and supporter for many years after. She was instrumental in steering SEACMA from its inception into a viable community organization and has recently returned as Executive Director to once again lead the organization into the next chapter.





Park博士自豪地在Natick鎮的股權工作組任職。他們的工作特別涉及評估多個與 DEI 相關的市政委員會,這導致為內蒂克鎮設立了首席多樣性官職位。Park博士對提升Natick的AAPI社區的聲音特別感興趣,Natick是鎮上最大的少數民族群體,但在鎮政府的參與最少。Park博士努力確保亞太裔人士感到有權參與社區空間的政府和領導,並孜孜不倦地宣導亞太裔社區成員在決策桌旁擁有座位。





Bethany Li使用運動律師模式為亞裔美國人社區爭取社會正義並促進種族平等。Bethany與社區召集人合作,採用創新和多方面的方法,就一系列民權問題提起訴訟並領導宣傳工作,包括住房和流離失所,工人權利,移民,教育公平,語言獲取和仇恨犯罪。Bethany代表東南亞社區反對驅逐出境,包括第一位在被驅逐出境後返回東海岸的柬埔寨裔美國人。她與社區召集人合作,共同製作了關於東南亞家庭與驅逐出境作鬥爭的紀錄片“Keep Saray Home”。她曾擔任一個由多種族組織和家庭組成的聯盟的聯合法律顧問,該聯盟干預了支援波士頓公立學校改變考試政策的訴訟。貝瑟尼為東北走廊沿線的低工資工人贏得了數百萬美元的欠薪。她領導了各種舉措,以增加低收入和英語水準有限的亞裔美國人獲得資源的機會。她還發表了一份報告,記錄了東海岸唐人街的中產階級化,並指導了東海岸第一個無證亞裔美國青年團體RAISE的啟動。Bethany在AALDEF開始了她的法律職業生涯,擔任平等司法工作研究員和職員律師。隨後,她在耶魯大學法學院的退伍軍人法律服務診所擔任羅伯特·M·封面研究員教授和監督案件。Bethany還是士頓法律服務部亞洲外展部門的主任。貝瑟尼在亨特學院擔任亞裔美國人民權和法律的兼職教授。Bethany畢業於喬治城大學法律中心和阿默斯特學院。她在馬薩諸塞州最高法院福利常務委員會和馬薩諸塞州州長仇恨犯罪工作組任職。




Vice Chair

Saatvik Ahluwalia是一位屢獲殊榮的數位營銷人員,是Zebra Technologies的高級競選經理和Asian Texans for Justice的數位與通信總監。他是OpEd專案的公眾之聲研究員和新的領導委員會研究員。他的作品曾被《波士頓環球報》、《奧斯丁美國政治家》、《奧斯丁 NPR》、《女士雜誌》等報導。他贏得了白金MarCom獎,通過Toastmasters International獲得公開演講獎,參加了多個寶萊塢舞蹈錦標賽,並在記者斯科特·哈斯(Scott Haas)的《那些移民!:美國的印第安人:成就的心理探索》一書中進行了介紹。





克裡斯托弗黃是一位攝影師和攝像師,在創作有影響力的視覺敘事方面擁有豐富的經驗。他與藝術家、公眾人物、領導者、公司、C 級高管、企業家、教育家、政治家、表演者、組織和學生等合作,捕捉他們的故事。



克裡斯托弗還發表主題演講並主持研討會,介紹如何在組織的人際關係和營銷層面用肢體語言創造更具同理心和更有效的領導力,促進強調公平、包容和歸屬感的文化。即使在那些基本步驟談論 DEIB 的重要性並在組織的品牌中展示具有“多樣性”的圖像(這並不像應有的那樣普遍)的人中,與他們用肢體語言傳達的內容相比,他們所說和所寫的內容也經常存在明顯的脫節。


詹妮弗·魯賓(Jennifer Rubin)的頭像,她有一頭黑色的頭髮,金色的亮點,戴著眼鏡。




詹妮弗·魯賓(Jennifer Rubin)從加州大學洛杉磯分校法學院畢業后一直從事勞動和就業法工作。魯賓女士擁有加州大學洛杉磯分校的學士學位和法學博士學位。她是馬薩諸塞州、加利福尼亞州和華盛頓特區州律師協會的成員。她還是美國華盛頓特區巡迴法院、第一巡迴法院、第二巡迴法院、第五巡迴法院、第六巡迴法院、第六巡迴法院和第九巡迴法院的律師協會成員。

魯賓女士是「勞動法僱員和工會成員指南:代表勞工運動的律師手冊」(2008年和2009年版)中「就業歧視法」的合著者。魯賓女士曾教授研討會,參加小組討論,並主持有關勞資關係和合同談判的討論。她還曾擔任美國加州中區地方法院聯邦地區法官羅伯特·M·高杉(Robert M. Takasugi)的司法實習生。2014年,魯賓女士被《波士頓雜誌》評為馬薩諸塞州超級律師新星,並被《波士頓雜誌》評為2015年和2016年馬薩諸塞州頂級女律師。

