COVID-19 Vaccination Translation Project 

AAC’s Health & Human Services Committee presents, the COVID-19 Vaccination Translation Project!

By debunking common myths of the vaccine in nine different Asian languages, we hope to encourage individuals to get the vaccine if they have not done so already. Individuals with limited English proficiency do not have meaningful access to COVID services (e.g., testing, vaccines, treatment, contact tracing) during this ongoing public health emergency. For many immigrants, language access is a major barrier to the COVID-19 Vaccination.

These translations address the protection of vaccination records, immigration status, undocumented immigrants, not needing insurance, an ID, or a social security to get the vaccine, common side effects, and more!

Non-English web materials are often not accessed by limited English-speaking individuals themselves but rather by friends, family, or community members who might then circulate those resources, so PLEASE DOWNLOAD & SHARE!


**The vaccine is safe and effective. You don’t need an ID or insurance to get the vaccine. People ages 12-17 can receive the Pfizer vaccine. People age 18 and older can receive any vaccine.

These translations were undertaken by: 

Springfield Vietnamese Cultural Association, Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association, Chinese Associations of Western MA, Bayanihan Association of America, Bhutanese Society of Western MA, Dr. Syed Irfan Makhdoom Nayyar, Syeddah Ghazala, Syed Armughan, Dr. Zoubir Benmebarek, and Farzana Junaise 

Project direction by: 

Commissioner Haniya Syeda and Commissioner Ekta Saksena, Health & Human Services Committee member